Summary of the President's Press Conference on COVID-19

Last March 13, 2020, President Duterte provided what is to be the guidelines regarding handling the situation regarding the current pandemic that is sweeping across the globe with the Philippines has its own share of those who are affected wherein this discussion still scopes under defense-related matters with national welfare on health are considered as such, under CBRNE or Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive factors which means a lot for the people's welfare and security with regards to their current livelihoods.
This scenario involves CBRNE Capabilities or things that involve
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive matters.
Image obtained from DVIDSHUB.

This information was made summarized through DND/AFP Modernization Updates and Review by an administrator named Emmanuel Zamora.

The Gist of the Presscon made by the office of the President are as follows:

1. Provincial quarantine if more than 2 positive COVID-19 cases

2. Work in the executive dept. is suspended, except for skeletal staff

3. Flexible work arrangement encouraged in the private sector. Manufacturing and retail businesses encouraged to stay open with social distancing and minimal workforce

4. Mass public transport shall continue operation with social distancing

5. Domestic air, sea, and land transport suspended from March 15, 2020 (12 midnight) to April 14, 2020, subject to the review of the inter-agency task force.

6. Code alert is now raised to Sublevel 2, the highest level

7. Stringent social distancing measures in NCR for 30 days

8. Suspension of classes in all levels in Metro Manila until April 12, 2020. Stay at home and study

9. Mass gatherings, either planned or spontaneous,...shall be prohibited during this period. If social distancing is no longer obeyed, if rules are disobeyed, this is punishable under the penal code and can be arrested by military and police

10. Community quarantine is hereby imposed in the entire of Metro Manila

11. In other areas, LGUs can impose localized quarantine

12. Baranggay-wide quarantine is advised if there are 2 or more COVID-19 cases

13. A municipality or city-wide quarantine will be advised if 2 positive COVID-19 cases or more

14. Not enough military and police to cover the whole country. Barangay Captain is the police. Barangay Captains can also go to prison if they don't enforce these regulations.

15. Close monitoring and reassessment of these regulations after 7 days from today

16. LGUs outside NCR advised to exercise sound discretion to suspend classes but does not allow you to suspend classes for trivial reasons

17. PNP and AFP shall be called upon for effective and orderly implementation of the above measures. This is not martial law. Do not be afraid of the PNP and AFP. They are there to help you.

18. Daily meetings of Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and all relevant agencies

19. In social disturbance, the military will keep order

20. OFWs allowed to travel to Mainland China except to Hubei

21. If things deteriorate, we may have to ask for China's help

22. Entry travel restriction imposed to all countries with COVID-19 cases, except for Filipinos and their families, permanent visa holders, and diplomats

23. Purpose of this is to protect and defend you from COVID-19

24. AFP and PNP will maintain peace and order. Just follow.

25. Our COVID-19 cases relatively low but fast to rise. You will be asked to go to the hospital and seek treatment.

26. COVID-19 tests are free

27. I ask for your patience. Help each other. Everything is placed in jeopardy.

This detailed information is for everyone to be updated with regards to the current situation which affects daily routines that take place in the nation's capital which spans for at least a month. It is also at best to stay calm and be prepared at all times as well as not to spread any rumors that will spread fear along the way.

This article served as a reference for the current provided time.

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