List - Military Assets Provided by the United States to the Philippines

The current developments surrounding the Visiting Forces Agreement came in a sense that naysayers are arguing lately that it went ineffective as well as to the overall help that the United States has provided to the Armed Forces of the Philippines regarding its capabilities that bolster the power that the country's military organization accrue through the years.

Hence, it is just as good to lay down the facts regarding the assets that the United States Provided in the sense that several of this military equipment is second-hand as well as brand new ones in a way that it dispels that their aid consists more of the former.
Things in the list include this C-130 Cargo aircraft that carries
troops, equipment, and relief goods in areas of concern such
as combat zones and disaster-stricken areas.
(c) Kit Agad, Jetphotos.
This list will contain deals, deliveries, and orders that took place between 1950 and 2018 which defines much regarding a country with its independence years post-Spanish, American and Japanese periods as well as with the bulk of its assets that covers much of the Cold War period spanning late 1940s down to the early 1990s.

The following information is obtained via the SIPRI Arms Transfers Database which they obtain a downloadable copy of what this page's content will be provided (link for the document here). 

As for the reason why this particular webpage exists despite having a downloadable copy is for the convenience of folks like you who read it here where it will not require such a download for the information to be provided as well as to have a ready-link for future reference use.

Also, this will set precedent on individual discussions which will be provided in the upcoming months in a way that different assets provided on the list may get discussed in detail later on especially on the benefits that reaped through the course of the bilateral relationships of these two close nations.

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Additional notes that will correct some details in the list provided are as follows - first, the Landing Ship Tanks (LST-1 class) were received and have got integrated into the fleet before the 1950s, and second, there are no Cannon-class Destroyer Escort from South Vietnam as opposed to the information provided. Credits to LCDR. Mark Condeno for this correction.

On the details provided in the report, it is simply showing that they provide much for the country's military capabilities which are worthy of a deterrent on both internal threats such as counterinsurgency and counterterrorist threats and external threats such as territorial defense from another nation that sees desire on encroaching that integrity and sovereignty that defines the whole country's jurisdiction and coverage of its authority.

Moreover, these assets such as the ones discussed on this blog website such as the S-70i Black Hawk Helicopters, AGM-65 Maverick Air-to-Ground Missiles, and M-113 Armored Personnel Carriers are something that the Armed Forces obtained recently, especially with the first two things mentioned with the third one obtaining recent upgrades on its weapons system which was done through an Israeli defense firm.

These military assets provided by the United States show that the relationships between two nations are strong through the years which came along with what is for both treaty allies are bounded at specifically before the scrapping of the Visiting Forces Agreement wherein they provided that technical support like in terms of surveillance through UAVs which is definitely different from the idea of them looking over the country's external defense as it is the responsibility of the country's armed forces to do such a job.

Hence, let these assets provided as well as their other ways of support be a reminder that both nations have these strong relations in the past as affirmed allies which may stay strong even in the current situations that hamper it on the lowest scale ever given the government's current stance. Nevertheless, one may still hope that things may go favorably in this decade particularly that these things matter a lot for the country's desire of having a firm minimum credible defense posture.

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